How are you protected?

At TFM Renewables, we are committed to providing exceptional service to all our customers, and we want to make sure that you are protected from any unforeseen events. We’ve written this policy to ensure we offer a respectful, supportive, and safe experience for everyone.

We make sure that claims of energy benefits used in the sales process are calculated in line with the prescribed methodology in the relevant Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) Installation Standard and, when we’re informing you of financial benefits, these will be based on your actual energy tariffs.

Any values used in the conversion (such as inflation or future energy costs) will be from a cited, reputable source. Any energy or financial benefits of any additional products or services offered together with the certified technologies will be supported by independently verifiable evidence and not solely based on information from ourselves or our product manufacturers.

We’ll make sure that you are treated fairly and with respect. Please see here for how we do this when we’re with customers who may be considered vulnerable.

We will NEVER place you under pressure to sign orders or contracts! We won’t overstay our welcome in your home and when we send the quote, you can take your time to review and get back to use when you’re ready or with any questions. If you decide not to go ahead with TFM Renewables we will wish you well with your project!

All our contracts and order documents will be clear, written in plain English and will clearly identify any costs and exclusions. If something isn’t clear though, we’d be happy to answer any questions. We’ll provide full datasheets on the makes and models of the equipment we intend to install with all specifications, along with delivery and installation dates before you need to make a decision.

All workmanship will be guaranteed for at least 2 years following installation, and we will also provide you with an insurance policy which covers this workmanship at no cost to yourself.

Where complaints arise, TFM Renewables agrees to participate in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) if this is what you would prefer. Take a look here to see our complaints policy.