The TFM Vulnerable Person Policy

At TFM Renewables we care about all our customers and want everyone to have a great experience with us. We understand that some people might need a bit more help and attention, and we're here to provide that with kindness and respect. Here’s how we make sure we take extra good care of our vulnerable customers.

1) Who Are Vulnerable Persons?

  • Vulnerable persons are those who might need some extra support. This can include:

  • Older adults

  • People with disabilities (physical, sensory, or mental)

  • Individuals with learning difficulties

  • Those with long-term illnesses

  • People who struggle with reading or understanding English

  • Anyone going through tough times or big life changes

  • People with low income or debt

2. How We Identify and Help

  • Our team is trained to spot when someone might need extra help. When we do, we:

  • Offer additional support and take extra time to explain things.

  • Use clear and simple language, avoiding complicated terms.

  • Provide information in different formats if needed (like large print or audio).

  • Give plenty of time for discussions and questions.

  • 3. Communicating with Care

  • We always aim to communicate clearly and kindly. For vulnerable customers, this means:

  • Speaking slowly and clearly, making sure everything is understood.

  • Being patient and allowing plenty of time for questions.

  • Using visual aids or demonstrations to help explain our services.

  • Checking in to make sure everything is clear.

4. Making Decisions Together

  • We believe in making decisions together with our customers. For vulnerable individuals, we:

  • Encourage them to have a trusted friend or family member involved if they’d like.

  • Ensure all decisions are made with clear and informed consent.

  • Respect their choices and provide all the information needed to make good decisions.

5. Respecting Privacy

  • We take privacy seriously. For vulnerable customers, this means:

  • Keeping personal information secure and confidential.

  • Only sharing information when necessary and with the customer's permission.

  • Having private and comfortable spaces for consultations.

6. Training Our Team

  • Our team members get regular training to make sure they:

  • Understand the needs and rights of vulnerable people.

  • Have the skills to offer the right support and communicate effectively.

  • Stay up-to-date with the latest best practices and guidelines.

7. Listening and Improving

  • We love hearing from our customers! For vulnerable individuals, we:

  • Offer different ways to give feedback (like phone, email, or in-person).

  • Encourage sharing experiences and suggestions.

  • Act on feedback quickly to improve our services.

At TFM Renewables, we're here to make sure everyone feels valued and supported. If you have any questions or need extra help, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re always here to assist you!